United To Rebuilding Better Ethiopia has so far organized several teams. Some of our amazing teams are listed as follows.
Team Lewegenea (ለወገኔ)
Our wonderful team is made of close friends and family from across the world (UK, US and South Africa). We successfully reached and now surpassed our $25,000 donation pledges!!!!
Team Leader
$25K from 25 members.
Team Lenate Hagere (ለናት ሃገሬ)
We are a group of 25+ concerned family and friends who heard the call to action to help rebuild a better Ethiopia. We are proud and excited to be part of this initiative with a clear vision and transparency. Our goal is to establish a long-term relationship with the community where we will be building a school or a health center. We hope that more teams will join us to make a difference to uplift the lives of children and adults.
“Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller.
Team Leader
Team Alen Le-lejochachen (አለን ለልጆቻችን)
Our team of 25 from across the U.S. heard the children’s voices from far away and pleas to bring back their school. The right to learn motivated us to contribute to rebuilding their school. We responded with great excitement and committed to contribute $25k as a team. We can’t wait to see the children eagerly marching to their new school and thriving in their classes.
Team Leader
Team Black Lions (የጥቁር አንበሳ)
ሃምሳ ሎሚ ለአንድ ሰው ሸክሙ ለሃምሳ ስው ጌጡ ነው!
Following our country’s call to all Ethiopians and people of Ethiopian origin to take part in rebuild destroyed public infrastructures, our team decide to play a role. We are planning to take part in rebuilding a healthcare facility / a school . We successfully gathered $25,000 pledge from our businesses. We’re very exited to start rebuilding and we can’t wait to see the facilities giving service to the community!
Team Leader