Report on schools and Health centers around Debre Sina and Mezzeso

Report on schools and Health centers around Debre Sina and Mezzeso

Staff members from Debre Birhan University CoTM department went to visit schools and health centers around Debresina and Mezezo areas affected by the war on December 22/2021. Accordingly, the followings points were observed.


According to the Debresinas education officer, Ato Shemels, there are 16 schools which were affected by the disruption. 13 schools have already managed to start teaching since they are mildly damaged. However, three schools, Mesobit, Dengay mezgiya and Kob Astel primary schools have severe damages on their buildings which needs repair or need new construction to start education. Pictures are attached at the end of the report for your reference.

Health Centers

Similarly, per health official Ato Yonatan, health center in the area were severely destroyed and Medical equipment damaged by terrorists. See pictures.


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